If you would like to be added to, or removed from, any of the lists below please contact webmaster@northumbrianpipers.org.uk
Tyneside Pipemakers’ Forum
The NPS supports the sharing of pipemaking knowledge and information via the Tyneside Pipemakers’ Forum, which holds meetings at Gateshead Central Library, Prince Consort Road, Gateshead NE8 4LN, generally on the first Saturday of the month. Participants include professional and amateur pipemakers and those with an interest in the making of pipes and related skills. Contact Stan May.
Pipemakers & Fettlers
Alan Bailey
16 Harbottle Avenue, Shiremoor, Newcastle upon Tyne NE27 0TX
0191 252 8286
Nigel Barlow
25 Station Road, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 8AP.
Tel: 0191 2159147 Mob:07778 481641. nigelbarlow.nsp@gmail.com
Kim Bull
Bellingham, Northumberland.
Email Kim@northumbrianpipes.co.uk. www.Northumbrianpipes.co.uk
John Burke
Broom Cottage, 29 Foundry Fields, Crook, Co. Durham DL15 9JY.
Tel. 01388 762620
David Burleigh
After over 40 years making Northumbrian pipes, David Burleigh has ceased production of new sets.
Richard & Anita Evans
Fairhaven, Southwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0EP
Philip Gruar
Brook Cottage, Burton Road, Holme, Cumbria LA6 1QN
01524 781601
Andrew Lawrenson
8 Castleside Road, Denton Burn, Newcastle upon Tyne
See YouTube channel
Principally for reeds, tuning and maintenance.
Andy May
215 Wingrove Road, Fenham, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 9DB
0191 273 0598 andymay2002@yahoo.co.uk
Dave McQuade
77 Southbrooke Avenue Hartlepool TS25 5JB
Tel: 01429 260216 email: dmcquade@zetnet.co.uk
Julia Say
Park House, Lynemouth, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE61 5XQ
Tel: 01670 860215 Julia.Say@nspipes.co.uk
Not currently taking orders, any sets available will be advertised. Advice always available.
Uwe Seitz
Burgstallstrasse 1, Adelsheim-Sennfeld D74740 Germany 0049-06291/fax7627 rosaluweba@t-online.de
Mike Sharp
Los Gatos, California USA, (510) 209-7950 www.sharpbagpipes.com
Paul Tabbush
70, Burnt Hill Road Farnham, Surrey. GU10 3LN
Tel: 01252 722938.
Started making and fettling Northumbrian Pipes in 2010.
Kim Bull
Chanter reeds, Composite drone reeds, Cane drone reeds
Email: kim@northumbrianpipes.co.uk
Website: www.northumbrianpipes.co.uk
Iain Allen
Chanter reeds and Cane drone reeds for Small pipes and Border pipes
Email: iain@bagpipereeds.co.uk
Website: www.bagpipereeds.co.uk/
Eric Franklin
Will make reeds for pipers willing to visit for fitting.
Email: helen27@btinternet.com
Wallie Ogilvie
Chanter reeds
Email: w@ogilvie.myzen.co.uk